Portland arborists that CARE for your trees...

Angie's List Super Service Award
12 years with 75 A+ Reviews!
Tree Planting and Re-Planting
We offer planting and re-planting of trees to help keep Oregon green. Often the city requires re-planting as well. We can choose trees from local nurseries of our choice or you may purchase a tree from a nursery of your choice. We can pick it up, deliver and plant it for you properly. Here are some different types of trees and shrubs, but ask for current selections available. Please fill out our free estimate form if you are interested in removing and re-planting or just planting a new tree and we can come up with a quote for you.
Walnut, Carpathian English
Juglans regia
Carpathian can be planted as a nut-bearing landscape tree. Nuts are thin-shelled, easy to open. Tree's crown is rounded, spreading and open. Prefers deep, dry, light loamy soils. Avoid wet or poor subsoil. Grows 40' to 60', 40'-60' spread.
Hickory, Shellbark
Carya laciniosa
An attractive, high-branching tree. Large brown sweet nuts. Likes moist soil. Grows 60' to 80', 40' spread. (Self-pollinating)
Walnut, Black
Juglans nigra
Prized for its nuts and attractive hardwood. Fragrant leaves. Likes deep, rich, well-drained soil; grows more slowly in drier soils. Grows to 50' to 75', 60' spread. (May self-pollinate, plant two trees to ensure pollination)
Chestnut, Chinese
Castanea mollissima
A nut tree and a shade tree. Sweet-flavored nuts. Prefers acid, well-drained loamy soil. Does well in hot, dry climates. Blight resistant. Grows to 40' to 60', 50' spread. (Plant two trees for pollination)
Hazelnut, American
Corylus americana
Cooks love these easy-to-crack, small. sweet kernels. Can be used as a shrub-like landscape plant. Likes well-drained, loamy soil, full sun or light shade. Grows to 18', 15' spread. (Plant two trees for pollination)
Carya illinoinensis
The symmetrical pecan makes a fine ornamental and nut tree. Needs moist, well-drained loamy soil. Grows 70' to 100', 55' spread. Grown from seed. (Plant two trees for pollination)
Crab, Prairifire Flowering
Malus Prairifire
This flowering crab has bright red flowers and a 3/8" decorative red-purple fruit. Handsome red-brown bark accents spring and fall foliage. A showy landscape choice. Disease resistant.
Elm, Lacebark
Ulmus parvifolia
This graceful tree has a rounded crown adorned with lustrous dark green leaves changing to yellow and reddish purple in fall. Adapts to many soil conditions. Lacebark Elm is a tough and durable tree for any situation. Grows 40' to 50' with 40' spread.
Oak, Live
Quercus virginiana
This magnificent, broadleaf evergreen tree will be a picturesque addition to your landscape. It grows rapidly when young and may live to be centuries old. Adapts to almost any soil. Live Oaks can be used as street trees. Grows 40'-80', with an 80' spread.
Pine, Loblolly
Pinus taeda
One of the fastest growing southern pines, this tree is used as a quick-screen in many landscapes. This North American native has dark green needles and narrow, red-brown cones Grows in a wide variety of soils and is drought tolerant. 60'-100' height.
Cypress, Leyland
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
This rapidly growing landscape evergreen has fine, feathery, soft-green pointed needles on flattened branches. Needles turn dark blue-green in maturity. Matures to a noble, dense, pyramidal outline. Should be grown in full sun. Grows 60'-70'.
Sequoia, Giant
Sequoiadendron giganteum
This majestic columnar evergreen has bluish green needles that vary in length with 1 and 1/2" to 3" reddish-brown cones. Matures at 60' under cultivation in East, 90'-200' in the wild. 25'-35' spread.
Hackberry Celtis occidentalisTolerant of a wide range of conditions, the Hackberry is a good landscape choice. Grows to a broad crown with arching branches, not unlike the American Elm. Well-suited to urban areas, it withstands wind. Grows 40'-70' with a 50' spread.
Sweetgum, American
Liquidambar styraciflua
Deep, glossy green star-shaped leaves mark the Sweetgum. Leaves turn yellow-purple-red in the fall, and stay on the tree quite late. Its shape is pyramidal, becoming more rounded with age. Avoid polluted sites. Grows 60'-70', with a 45' spread.
Catalpa, Northern
Catalpa speciosa
Large, showy white flowers grace the Catalpa in late spring. Its crown is rounded and upright with large, heart-shaped, medium green leaves. Withstands wet, dry, alkaline soils and hot, dry environments. Sun or partial shade. Grows to 40'-60'.
Beech, American
Fagus grandifolia
A very formal and stately tree. Leaves emerge in late spring, changing from shimmering green to lustrous dark green to golden bronze in the fall. Smooth bark. Plant in well-drained, aerated soil. Can be used as a hedge. Grows to 50'-70'.
Coffeetree, Kentucky
Gymnocladus dioicus
Picturesque in summer and winter, coarse ascending branches often form a narrow crown. Oval leaflets emerge late in spring, changing from pinkish-tinged to a dark, almost blue-green. Needs full sun. Grows to 60'-75'.
Oak, Willow
Quercus phellow
A handsome oak with willow-like leaves. Foliage is light to bright green in summer and yellow, yellow-brown and russet in fall. Relatively fast-growing, it tolerates poorly drained soil. Prefers acid soil and full sun. Grows to 40'-60' with a 35' spread.